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웹사이트 메인페이지 배너제작.jpg
tm-612s 그라데이션 텍스트.png

We will make your dream of playing the piano as a reality.


IMG_0008_제품소개 각도 메인3.png


monitor arm

hammer keyboard



​Highly usable

By combining a monitor and a piano sliding shelf, it is designed so that it can be used as a PC in addition to the piano, thereby improving the use of piano space.


Various program functions

Through the various functions of the Tamiano program, you can set up a digital score that suits you .


Music sheet ON/OFF

You can check the existing paper score of the song you are playing through the Music sheet ON/OFF function.

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Select section

While playing, you can select and move to the specific section you want to play using the timing bar at the top.

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practice mode

Practice mode allows you to practice easily with a function that does not proceed to the next step until you press the corresponding piano key correctly.

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Note name ON/OFF

You can check the name of the note sheet being downloaded through the system name ON/OFF function.


Select playing finger

Depending on the player's skill, you can practice by selecting which finger you want to play: right hand, left hand, or both hands.

piano key off.png

Keyboard img ON/OFF

Through the keyboard img ON/OFF function, you can more accurately check the key position and name of the downloaded note scores.

REVIEW   review

Recognized by many customers Real satisfaction review

평점5점 그라데이션_edited.png
평점5점 그라데이션_edited_edited.png
IMG_0008_제품소개 각도 메인4.png


kimi****ㅣ23. 03. 11

It makes me keep playing the piano and playing it again and again without realizing the time passing.

To conclude in advance, you can think of it as a rhythm game machine disguised as a piano, just as you imagined before ordering. Because playing the piano is fun for entertainment purposes, it makes you keep playing the piano and playing it again and again without realizing how much time passes.​




unis****ㅣ23. 01. 20

It's nice that both the child and the mother can learn piano while having fun ^^

It's great that both the child and the mother can learn to play the piano while having fun. It's not that difficult to assemble either. It is inevitable that delivery will take a long time, but it is somewhat disappointing that the pedal was delivered in error. Still, there are no problems with playing the piano, so it’s good for now.



link****ㅣ23. 07. 11

I end up playing the piano every day, which I wouldn't otherwise be able to do.

··· In general, you can play the songs you practiced on the piano during your free time while playing games, watching videos, or when an ad comes on, so you can play the piano every day, which you would otherwise not be able to do.   You will hit it. Thanks to this, my skills have improved a lot. Also, the speakers on the piano body can be used as regular speakers, so even those who use laptops can use it as a perfect computer + piano without separate speakers, just a Tamiano and a laptop. I am very satisfied.

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